Relationships and Alcohol

There are several reasons why people drink alcohol. You might drink for the sake of having fun, as a stress reliever, or even to alleviate other bodily ailments like chronic pain. Drinking too much or too often, on the other hand, can have negative implications, such as ruined relationships.Nobody wants to lose someone they care about, love and trust due to something that could have been avoided. However, if you have an alcohol use disorder, your relationship could swiftly be ruined. If you have an alcohol addiction, it may be tough to recognize yourself.

When You Drink, You Change into A New Person.

Your significant other may have fallen in love with someone certain, but when you drink alcohol, you may become someone completely different. Perhaps you find alcohol to be a social lubricant, but its effects have recently been amplified.Each person’s reaction to alcohol is different, and yours might not be pleasant for your partner. When you drink, it’s possible that you get irritable or reclusive. In public, you may become too emotional, if not outright inappropriate. In a relationship, these are all reasons for concern.

Intimacies and Alcohol

Intimacy is critical in any relationship. Alcoholism has a wide range of consequences on relationships and intimacy. Relationships can be harmed by excessive drinking. Intimacy is typically the first area to be compromised. The impacts of alcoholism can affect the following aspects of an intimate relationship:

  • Stability
  • Trust
  • Expectations
  • Affection
  • Commitment
  • Respect

Alcoholism is linked to co-dependency in relationships as well as verbally and physically abusive behaviors. The most common causes of breakdown in married and unmarried partnerships are disagreements, financial difficulties, infidelity, or domestic violence. Having a relationship that is already strained can be complicated by alcoholism, which reduces sex drive.

Alcohol and Mistrust

Even the most successful alcoholics are prone to secretive behaviours. When a person is suffering AUD, there are several causes for secretive conduct, including:

  • Concerns about their health
  • Shame
  • Guilt

As a result, individuals begin to conceal details about their whereabouts, who they spend time with, and what they did during the day from their significant other. Keeping the truth from a significant other may seem like a harmless protection strategy at first, but it will almost certainly lead to outright lying and distrust in the long run.

The lies a somebody says to cover up their addiction might grow more sophisticated as their alcohol usage progresses. For their loved one, it may appear that all they hear are excuses for being late, disappearing, mood swings, missing money, and so on. A good and functioning relationship requires trust, which can be difficult to restore once it has been broken.

Skyward Treatment Center Can Assist in Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Even though there are often obvious physical signs of alcoholism, knowing how to aid your spouse or significant other can be difficult. Skyward Treatment Center is a premier for alcohol addiction treatment  in Houston that also offers family and loved one’s support. Our programs personalized for each person and can provide assistance at any time. Contact Skyward Treatment Centerfor more are information on our alcohol treatment programs.