Tips To Score High in the MP Board Class 10 & 12 Board Exams
The Madhya Pradesh Board conducted its 12th and 10th Board Exams in March. Almost 11. 48 lakh students appeared for the class 10 exams, while Nearly 7.69 lakh candidates appeared for class 12 examination. Of these, those who passed the exam would have prepared hard for the exams ahead of time. Here, you can find some preparation tips for the students of class 10 and 12.
How to Ace the MP Board 10th Class Exam
MP Board Science subject includes the following areas of science, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Chemistry and Biology are conceptual and theoretical subjects, while the numerical problems from Physics are based on formulas. So if you wish to score well, you would need to read every area. Alternatively, if you want perfect preparation and best marks in Maths examination, then you should focus on basic geometry, trigonometry and the concept of numbers. Practice is the key to the score in Math. Additionally, for languages, you will have to focus more on the grammar part.
Nevertheless, acing the exams is possible if you study well and prepare hard for the exams. There are also previous year papers and the blueprints, which you can access to know the exam pattern and marks allotment so that you can study accordingly. Below are a few tips for students on how to ace the MP Board 10th Class exams:
- Always prepare ahead of time
- Have a study plan ready
- Concentrate more on sections where you can score marks easily while writing the exams
- Use a proper pen and write the exams neatly
- Know how to manage the time properly
- Complete the section in the stipulated time given in the question paper
- Outline the answer before writing it
Basic Tips For Students of MP Board Class 12
Practice and confidence are the main keys to acing any exams. From the below tips, you can see how to score good marks in the MP Board 12th Exams.
- Take the pre-board exams seriously
- Make use of the 15 minutes properly and have in place a proper strategy to write the exams
- Read the questions thoroughly before answering
- Write neat, concise and to the point answers
- Attempt all the questions
- While writing the exams, space out each word correctly
- Finally, take time to check the answer sheet before submitting it
- Just do your best without worrying about the outcome of the exams
Solving the extra reference books as well as the previous year papers or sample papers will help you to get practice. Hence, prepare well and face the exams properly to ace the board exams.