Benefits Of Taking Celery Juice

Celery is one of the healthiest foods, so today, we invite you to prepare a delicious celery juice and discover all its benefits.

Celery is one of the most popular vegetables globally because it is very light and low in calories is part of many diets to lose weight. However, there are many more properties that you can take advantage of when adding it to your diet, and one of the most practical ways to do it is to prepare delicious celery juice.

Benefits of celery juice

  • It stimulates urine production and helps prevent fluid retention.
  • It helps to remove toxins and detoxify the body, especially when taken on an empty stomach.
  • Thanks to its high fiber content, it works as a natural laxative and fights constipation.
  • Combats gas and abdominal swelling.
  • Its vitamin C and folic acid help reduce the symptoms of menstruation.
  • Neutralizes heartburn.
  • It is recommended to complete the treatment of kidney stones.
  • It helps regulate blood pressure.
  • Most of its composition is water, so it is low in calories and prolongs the feeling of satiety, helping to lose weight.
  • It provides minerals such as magnesium, which help reduce stress.

Natural detox drink recipe

This celery juice recipe by Hurom is very healthy as it has a low amount of calories and is excellent for slimming. Besides, this fruit and vegetable juice helps you take advantage of all the healing and purifying properties of celery and the diuretic properties of pineapple. Celery juice will help you keep the line and lose those extra pounds that bother you so much, indulge and take care of your body with this juice of pineapple and celery. Ingredient:

  • 1 unit celery stalk
  • 50 grams of pineapple
  • One glass of water

You may also be interested: carrot juice, orange, and celery.

Steps to follow to make this recipe:

Before making celery juice with pineapple, the initial step is to list all the fixings. As you will see, for the acknowledgment of this detox juice, we won’t use sugar, however you can improve with some nectar or earthy colored sugar in the event that you think it fundamental. Peel and cut the pineapple into large pieces, mix with a little water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Very well wash the celery, as it tends to be a bit dirty, remove the “ugly” parts, and chop. Add the celery to the blender in large pieces and blend until all the celery is crushed. As we said initially, it is unnecessary to add sugar as pineapple sweetens the juice, but it is up to your choice. Once the celery juice with pineapple is ready, you can enjoy it. It is unnecessary to strain as we would lose much of the fiber, and we can add ice to make it more refreshing. Like natural juice to clean the colon, it is preferable to drink this detoxifying juice in the mornings.

According to the celery juice recipe by Hurom, the best time to consume celery juice is in the morning on an empty stomach before consuming anything other than water or water with lemon (wait at least 15-30 minutes after finishing lemon to ingest your celery juice). Celery juice is medicinal, not caloric, so you’ll need breakfast later to have strength for the rest of the morning. Wait for 15 to 30 minutes after ingesting the juice before consuming anything else. Chewing toys are the best for making celery juice.