When Motivation Is A Key For Student’s Success


Does your child take maths or science tuition in Singapore? It’s a common problem for children to experience hardships or difficulties while studying maths or science in school. There are times when they will refuse to do homework and seek out help in general. They may seem disinterested and unmotivated in everything. It may be that these hardships at school are taking their toll. If your child isn’t taking their tuition yet, having a private tutor can help bring back their motivation to learn and improve more.

Motivated for Learning – The Importance Of Motivation In Children

Motivation can be everything when it comes to learning. You will often hear parental advice and guides that focus on helping your child be motivated during their childhood. Parents, teachers, and tutors from a learning centre can bring out the difference in children.

While education matters, motivation will serve as fuel to help them succeed and achieve more in the long run. We’ve seen children who have lost their interest despite having the privilege to access high-quality and high-standard educational learning.

However, students who have the motivation have the will to push and persist longer. They yield satisfying results through their quality effort. They reap more because they learn more deeply. Thus, motivation can also serve as a predictor of learning and achievement. It is the primary factor that will help your child achieve their own personal goals and a moving component for self-development. When we don’t have a reason to do anything, it stagnates our potential to grow and learn more. We easily give up in the face of adversity.

Whether your child is taking primary school or temporarily enrolled in a science/maths tuition in Singapore, there are ways to help restore your child’s motivation. Some believe that pursuing one’s interest or activity does help. Others think that fostering critical thinking and creativity will help children and students.

The Theories Behind Motivation – An Abridged Introduction


Psychologists, researchers, and social scientists have established various theories in developing a belief system that captures the explanation behind motivation. Learning what works for one is essential for shaping an individual’s motivation.

Parents, teachers and tutors from tuition learning centres should learn what tickles someone else’s motivation. After all, it is the goal of all to persist and strive until they achieve their goals, especially young students. Here is a brief introduction to various theories of motivation.

Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic forms of motivation can be rare and hard to come by. Why? Intrinsic motivation is the action of doing and pursuing activities out of pure passion and pleasure. The behaviour of engagement is driven by internal rewards. Hence, the theory explains in simple words that our ability to engage in specific activities arises when it brings us a sense of satisfaction.

For example, an artist continues to make artwork despite receiving less income from it since it brings them a fulfilling reward that comes within—satisfaction and joy in making art.

Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation is the opposite of intrinsic form since the reward comes from the external or sometimes to avoid punishment. An example of this is students working hard in school since they fear disappointing their parents. Other students excel in maths tuition out of making their tutor or parents proud, while others dread failure.

In a more positive light, some students aim to do better since it lets them see the value of it and contributes to making their dream of becoming an engineer come true.

Expectancy-value theory

The expectancy-value theory may sound like something you might come across in a peer-to-peer-reviewed social science journal. However, the explanation behind it isn’t abstract to understand. It explains an individual’s motivation to learn is determined by:

  • How much do they value a goal-oriented task
  • What they expect in order to succeed and achieve

If these two factors align well, we can expect an individual will accomplish the task and achieve their goal. Thus, if one values an objective and has high expectations to achieve it, one is given a reason to do something. Many schools and tuition learning centres utilise this theory to help students be motivated.

Achievement goal theory

Achievement goal theory explains the reason behind performing achievement-related goals as to whether a person is driven by:

  • Mastery orientation for developing competence
  • Performance orientation is about demonstrating competence relative to the threat of challenges to execute the action.

How Tutoring Can Help Boost Motivation In Students


Enrolling your child in a learning centre in Singapore can support your child’s well-being for long-term growth and motivation. As students face the daily or weekly challenges that come with their schooling life, stress, anxiety and fear can take over and impact their life as a student. Hence, many parents turn to tuition learning centres for tutor support for students, providing them with the means to support their abilities and skills to succeed.

Here’s how tutoring can help your child to stay motivated and improve their well-being as a student:

It helps bring enjoyment to learning

Tutors are trained to provide an engaging way for students to tackle challenges and learn more. They have the ability to make enjoyment reignite passion, interest and motivation.

It improves attitude and behaviour towards learning

Students can help develop not just a positive outlook on learning when enrolled in a tuition learning centre or tutor. But they can also experience an improvement in their attitude and behaviour in school.

It improves self-esteem and confidence

Having positive self-esteem and confidence is one of the many factors that can dictate your interest and motivation. A tutor can help improve students’ self-esteem and confidence to overcome challenges by providing sufficient resources to enhance their skill set and knowledge.

If you are looking for a learning centre in Singapore, visit The Juniors Learning Centre for more info.